Showing all 7 results

  • Activity , Events

    Chatty Cafe

    Chatty Café

    Join us for a social chat and brighten up your day at our new Chatty Café!
    Chatty Cafes aim to help people stay connected to their community, reduce
    social isolation and improve mental health.

    Everyone welcome, so come and have a chat, a cuppa and some cake on us!

    No booking required. FREE EVENT with cake!

    Tuesday Aug 6, 12.00-1.00pm

    Tuesday Oct 15, 12.00-1.00pm




  • Activity , Events

    Playgroup (Tuesdays)

    Every Tuesday during school term
    $10 per term

    Join us for our Tuesday playgroup. Lots of messy fun, toys and outdoor area for busy toddlers. 0-5yrs. Parents to accompany children.

  • Activity

    Seaside Singers

    with Lynda Beekhof 

    For anyone who loves to sing (especially those shower divas!) A fun 90 minutes of rounds, popular & classic songs with lots of laughter. Come along and add your voice to a cacophony of sound.  Everyone is welcome!

    Mondays 7.30pm – 9.00pm 

    Term 3 dates: 15, 22, 29 July, 5, 12, 19, 26 Aug, 2, 9, 16 Sept.

    $10 per person …

  • Activity , Events

    Repair Cafe

    Repair Cafe

    Located at the Port Fairy Community House, visitors are given the opportunity to bring their broken item from home. Together with the volunteer ‘fixer’, they start making their repairs. It’s an ongoing learning process fostering concepts of sustainability, community and skill-sharing. 10am – 12pm in our Outdoor Room. See Repair Cafe Facebook Page for more details.

    Usually 3rd Saturday …

  • Activity

    Belfast Bookers – Book Club

    7:30pm on the second Tuesday of the month (except Jan)

    Belfast Bookers is a CAE* Book group. Members enjoy reading and are interested in discussion of novels as an adult group

    *Council of Adult Education – fee required

    All participants must be members of Port Fairy Community House. Please click here for memberships.

  • Activity

    Walking Group – Heart Foundation

    Fridays 9.30—10.30am

    All year round
    Meet at The Visitors Centre
    All participants must be members of the Community House. Please click here for memberships

  • Activity

    Beachcombing Walks

    Thursdays 8.00am

    Learn more about the beach environment. It’s amazing what you can find when you slow down and LOOK down! John Miller who leads the walk is a wealth of knowledge. Discover and identify animal, mineral and plant matter washed up on the beach overnight. Followed by an optional coffee and chat. Dogs on leads welcome. BYO hat and sunscreen. Meet …