Work Experience

Are you interested in developing your skills in the area of administration, education and community development? The Port Fairy Community House could be a great opportunity to develop new skills and have your student placement. Please contact our manager to learn more about how you could have a placement with us.


The Port Fairy Community House has a long history of developing volunteering programs in our local community. We run a volunteer hub and are registered with the South West Volunteers Network. If you would like to contribute to your community through volunteering please contact our manager.

Community Groups Auspice

PFCH is committed to supporting voluntary community groups that provide for the social, cultural and educational needs of Port Fairy and surrounding districts in an inclusive and accessible manner. If you are a local community group (not-for profit) and are seeking support from an incorporated organisation please contact us to learn more about our Auspice policy and conditions. Current groups and contacts can be found here.


Community House Memberships

We welcome new members. Annual House membership is required to participate in Community House activities.
Membership of PFCH is due to be renewed at the 1st of July each year.
The annual membership fee is to be determined by PFCH COM at the annual general meeting.
Any new member joining after the start of the financial year, must pay the full annual membership fee.

The membership fee is not refundable.

  • Featured , Membership

    Community House Membership

    We welcome new members.  Annual House membership is required for anyone 18yrs+ to participate in Community House activities. Membership for 2023/24 is $10 an individual or $15 for a family.
    Membership of Port Fairy Community House is due for renewal at the 1st