The Community House auspices a range of different groups. You must have current membership to be involved. The current contacts for our auspice groups are:

Port Fairy Garden Group – Marjorie Raetz 0402 215 187

The garden group meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the school terms at 10:00am. These like minded garden enthusiasts visit local gardens (within an hour of Port Fairy) then share a  morning tea at the garden. Occasionally meetings will be held at the Community House for a plant swap or other activity.
Email for more details
No charge

Tai Chi – Netta Hill 0402 439662

Tai Chi meet every Wednesday morning at 10am. Tai Chi is an enjoyable activity which helps improve mobility, balance, concentration, relaxation.
$5.00 per session

Textile Art Group – Doris Madden 0419 353334 & Maureen Stone 0427 218 129

The Textile Arts Group meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month. Participants bring their own craft projects to work on at the sessions and often work together on group projects.
Gold coin donation

Ukulele Group – Tony Bishop 0400 214 503

The ukulele group meet every Thursday night from 7.00 to 9pm.
The Uke group are in their 8th year with numbers growing slowly but steadily. No prior experience is required so if you’re feeling musical, come and join this fun group.
Gold coin donation

Belfast Bookers – Wendy DeGuesclin 0400278915

The group meets monthly at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday (except for January)
Belfast Bookers is a CAE* Book group. Members enjoy reading and are interested in discussion of novels as an adult group. Everyone reads the same book sent with accompanying reading guides from CAE headquarters. At meetings we share our thoughts and views. There is no pressure to lead or speak but everyone is encouraged to have a say on the book of the month. Books are chosen across a wide spectrum.  *Council of Adult Education – fee required

Women On Farms Port Fairy – Lorraine Ermacora

Continuing to support connection, development & learning opportunities for rural women across South-West Victoria, following the March 2021 Women on Farms Gathering.

Bicycle Users Group (BUG) – Tony Bishop 0400 214 503

Koroit Krafters – Elaine Gaut 0439130945

The Koroit Krafters meet Tuesday mornings in Koroit.

Dance Klub– Jacqueline Bowe 0431655235

Port Fairy Bridge Club– Marilyn Cassidy

Wednesday Whistlers– Most Wednesdays 11-1pm at Dukes Hotel, Koroit. Keith Dawson 0425752657