Poga & Povitation
(Pove’s Yoga & Pove’s Meditation) with Neil Povey
Neil has practiced yoga and meditation for 40 years and has designed this course to motivate and support others by incorporating both mediums together. Each workshop begins with meditative poses to enable focus, helping you to learn about your body and your mind, then moves onto POGA (Yoga) using belts, blocks, chairs and other props to supplement poses and enable best alignment and enjoyment. Participants will gain stretching benefits and with practice, better flexibility and wellbeing. Flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga, it is an outcome!!
If you are unsure if this course would be suitable for you, please let us know and we will put you in contact with Neil directly.
Tuesdays 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm
Term 1: 4, 11, 18 Feb, 8 Mar & 1 Apr.
(5 sessions). $75
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